Submission Guidelines
The formatted paper should have a title, authors, abstract, keywords, introduction, method, results, discussion, and references. Use Times New Roman 12 font size. No justifications or word spacing changes are allowed. Default settings are usually sufficient. Every page should have 1" (2.54 cm) margins on the top, bottom, left, and right. All text should be double-spaced. This will make the right-side look 'ragged' and uneven. Allow the word processor to auto-wrap sentences. Don't divide or hyphenate words at the end of a line. Indent the first line of each paragraph with tab. Specify the keyboard or word processor's special character feature.
Author services
Journal of Computational Mathematica Author Services offer high-quality, processing charge free, and timely content and editing services ranging from Scientific & Scholarly Editing Services to Copy Editing & Proofreading, as well as Figure, Table, Chart, and Equation Conversions, which are ideal for polishing your manuscript before submission. Professional editing increases the quality of work, resulting in fewer revisions and a greater likelihood of acceptance by removing the distractions that low quality text can cause.
Copy Editing & Proofreading
The submission requirements for the JCM demand authors to have their work professionally copy edited before final publication. You may rely on our skilled native English language copy editors to help you with this effort by improving your manuscript's grammar, spelling, punctuation, terminology, semantics, consistency, flow, and more. Our experienced editing team is also well-versed in the Journal of Computational Mathematica's entire style and formatting requirements.
Scientific & Scholarly Editing
By addressing typical peer review difficulties before submission, you can improve your chances of approval and speed up the publication process. JCM Scientific & Scholarly Editing includes two independent reviews from Ph.D.-level professionals in your field of study who evaluate your research and provide peer-review-style feedback, addressing all aspects of your paper for qualities such as originality and significance, interest to researchers, level of methodology and analysis, literature coverage, organisation, writing quality, and strengths and weaknesses. All reviews are confidential, and double-blind submissions ensure that the identities of both the reviewer and the author remain anonymous.
Figure, Table, Chart, & Equation Conversions
Streamline the production of your work by having JCM Graphic Design Team improve your graphic aspects. All figures and charts will be enhanced and designed to journal unique requirements for final production clarity by Computational Mathematica graphic designers. Figure creation, enhancement and corrections, image editing and scaling, raw data transformations, equation conversions, presentation and poster design, and much more are all available as design options.
Once you've decided on a journal, simply follow the simple steps below to submit your manuscript and see the process your article will go through. You may choose to submit your manuscript as Word Template or Latex Template (Template link) to be used in the refereeing process. This publishing procedure is carried out entirely within the eEditorial Discovery® submission system.
Please adhere to the criteria outlined below while writing. Manuscripts that do not adhere to these requirements will be returned to the author(s) for revision, which may result in significant delays in the publication of your work.
Step 1
Ensure that your manuscript adheres to JCM Submission Guidelines, which include originality of the manuscript, professional English language copy editing.Read more
Step 2
Simply click the "Register or login" button in the upper right-hand corner of the journal webpage and fill out the short form with information about your article, such as the title, keywords, abstract, type, author information, and so on.
Note: You will be routed to the Scholar One manuscript, which will handle your manuscript's full publishing process. Manuscripts submitted outside of this system will not be considered for publication.
Step 3
Once submitted, your manuscript will be placed in Initial Assessment (Desk Review) for initial feedback/review by the Editor-in-Chief, and then it will be sent through the double-blind peer review procedure.
The peer review process is the driving force behind JCM journals and is at the heart of acceptable scientific publishing. JCM reviewers adhere to the highest ethical standards of scientific research, and all articles are subjected to a double-blind peer review procedure that takes place entirely within the JCM eEditorial Discovery® (EED)® online submission system.
The reviews are therefore freely accessible to the JCM editorial staff, guaranteeing that if accusations of questionable peer review surface, JCM will be able to assist its published authors and editors in rejecting these claims and assuring the continued success of the associated publications. View the entire journal Statement on Ethics and Malpractice Read more
Step 4
For open access submissions, once the peer review procedure is completed and the manuscript is accepted by the Editor-in-Chief, it will be submitted to production for finalisation and formatting.
Step 5
Once completed, the article will be made accessible for download on the journal's website, as well as shared with JCM's comprehensive network of worldwide distributors, metadata outlets, and suitable abstracting and indexing services.